
And as if by magic here is another passage that corresponds with my earlier writing. “How little appreciation of the beauty of the landscape there is among us.” I couldn’t agree more Henry. And this is even worse in this century than in Thoreau’s’. He wrote that in 1862! Imagine the beautiful vistas he must have seen compared to our modern monstrosities. Land carpet bombed by industry, factories, retail outlets, piss poor housing, even the expensive ones that are not made to last. Will my house be as standing as some of the old ones in this village in 100/200/300 years?

We take up space everywhere. Rip up hedgerows and woodland, build over fields, and divert waterways to suit our needs. Badger sets are meant to be police protected but they are filled in to make way for the human beast. The human fiend, that pretends to care for the natural world but has no interest in it whatsoever. Gone off on a bit of tangent/rant here, forgetting that the original point of the Greek word for the world means cosmos. Beauty or Order. And this in a nutshell is the main tenet of Last Wolf.

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