Choosing not to have a mat is a lesson in economy right? A lesson I wish I could adhere to. Or do I? I mean, maybe its ok as a young man, or when camping or even when rich. No doubt HDT still had tons of his own shit back at the family mansion when he went off to live at Walden Pond. We’re probably taking more stuff for a weekend away than HDT had in his entire hut. But then he didn’t have two under five year olds did he?
I think I’ve been here before, discussing the merits of minimal living while not practising it in the slightest myself. A variety of costume changes per day is my style, like Elton John. Dog walking clothes, school clothes, workout or gym clothes; all different. At least I was able to get rid of the school teacher clothes and just amalgamated it into the Barry wardrobe, which is much more efficient. Which is another reminder to maybe ditch that shit once and for all on Vinted. I’m not likely to go for a management position any time soon! And all that stuff may or may not fit anyway. Two quid on a shirt adds up. Yes minimal living is desirable, but not practical and I like my life. I think we have it pretty good just now, despite being skint, but then I’ve always been skint. Balance, now that’s the key, and that is good.