You cannot serve two masters. And for me this means ditching one, that of drinking booze, for another, that is health, working out, exercise and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. They don’t go together, they don’t complement each other and they don’t work. I do have a love/hate relationship with alcohol. I love the idea of it, the colour of the whisky, the feelings it creates even just looking at it, the flavour of the wine, the shape of a pint glass in your hand.
But I hate how it makes me feel, bleary, blurry, lazy, eating crap, and it takes away your gains. It’s a muscle killer as well as a sleep killer. Still, the idea of me and MC sitting in some cosy pub with big red leather armchairs and not having to go home because he owns it, is an appealing one. The staff can sit at the bar whilst we ponder chess moves by the fire and listen to The Corries on the jukebox. Staying up late playing guitars with DK or the family is another, and some of my favourite memories involve this. It does nothing for my jiu-jitsu though, nor for the childcare abilities, let alone work. You can’t serve two masters, slave to the grind, the bottle or the weight room. I know which one I’m preferring at the moment.