I’m not sure which way my life is flowing right now. I’m tired maybe. My mind has gone into that place where it usually goes in June, solely focussed on one thing that helps me cope with the time of year. In this case, chess and the focus and problems it brings. Am I more mentally and physically exhausted this year than any other long run up toward Easter? With all the strike action, this last term, I thought, had been pretty swift, or certainly felt so, even with three weeks left. I usually have that fall back, that thing to get me through the last few weeks of a year, and it is usually chess, so I wonder why it has presented itself now.
Is it the influence of my class, or am I actually coming down with something, a chess obsession is my way of staying active when my body isn’t. BB has been ill, still shouting for me a few times a night, and now K is ill. It’s been a long, but rewarding and fun day, hence why I’m writing this at night. I do prefer the morning. Swimming and cinema and tea and bath and hair, in the hope that K would be able to rest and get better. But she still has to go to work tomorrow which sucks. Would be good if I could do that for her. Hope it’s not my turns next for the bug. Or M’s.