Standing on the meeting of two eternities. The attempt to meld the past with the future, the point we are at right now, the present moment. Am I in the moment as much as I like to think I am? Our actions immediately determine what we do as a whole. We can plan endlessly but if we do not execute the plan at the time we said we would then surely it is all pointless. Our actions should match our words. Our deeds should match our intentions. And we need to take decisive action in the moments that count, the now, in order to make a difference or make that change.
And really how many more times do we write shit like this before doing anything about it? I am a complete phoney, writing in here like some sort of internet guru, how to improve your life in twelve easy steps bullshit. Make your bed. Get a good habit pattern. I sound like a right cunt. Let’s get back to a) talking about nature, or b) talking about me, what I’m doing and how I’m implementing these changes for the better. Because if I don’t then this is in danger of being a complete waste of time. Nature was always the point, not some half assed modern feel good philosophy.