I’ve written about water before. I think I may have a post on it coming soon. Water water everywhere and not a drop to drink said Coleridge, but it is true that water is life, the life blood, and you can see why the search for it on other planets is the obvious thing to do. Or signs of it. A plant droops, you give it water, it lifts itself up confidently to live another day.
Humans are exactly the same, sluggish and bleary eyed, mornings are turned around after that first glass of the day, and many more should be consumed after it. I’d argue it does more for you than a morning coffee does. I try to be well hydrated. Part of the problem I used to have with hangovers was the lack of hydration, now I drink water almost constantly. It’s difficult, especially in company to stop drinking so much and be more polite. But it is healthy no? Why should it feel so weird, especially in the summer? Hydration or dehydration, water is strength, water is life. We are beholden to it to live and it can kill us in an instant. The power of rivers, floods, tides and currents is unfathomable. Unstoppable and the depths of the seas and oceans unimaginable. Terrifying, truly, but necessary.