Nice little Scottish analogy from HDT today. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the word ‘macadamised’ used in print before but I suppose it would’ve been a fairly new phenomenon in 1863. I wonder what his take on the civil war would’ve been given the date here and his unconcern for trivialities. A copy of his real journal would no doubt reveal this. He’s right about the bread and circuses of course. Today I’d say more so than in the 1860s. Panem circenses credulous descent.
Triviality is everywhere and the focus on the long game, the bigger picture, is as short as our attention span. I do worry about this. If I can’t even leave my phone alone while watching a movie or reading a book, what chance has humanity got? What of the children for whom this is now the new norm, the example? I see it every day. I see it in my work and in my children. It is not their faults of course, it is the driver of society, a technocratic state in which we are all enslaved, and HDT would no doubt be appalled at the state of the world right now. Our addiction to information every three seconds, but it is more than that, it is the quality of the information too, for 99.99% of it is triviality.