My family and I are taking part in The Wildlife Trusts nature challenge #30dayswild. I would be all for going full Walden and living in a cabin in the woods for a month, but I don’t think that really suits having such a young family. And my work might object to the smell. July would be a better month for Waldoning it anyway, so we have opted for a much more straightforward option.

We’ve got our wallchart and my wife, ever the planner, has drawn out a list of activities that we are going to participate in throughout the month of June. This isn’t as easy as it seems. Our lives are quite tightly packed and juggling work, nursery and time for eating before an early bath and bedtime is as difficult as it sounds. Every day. Therefore some days may seem easy; walk barefoot or water the plants for example. This leaves trickier ones, like visit a waterfall, to the weekends when we have more time on our hands.

This is not the only outdoors based initiative running at the moment as the country slowly starts to open up again. The John Muir Trust has a Journey for Wildness campaign, but The Wildlife Trust one we have picked as it is flexible suits our family life best.

Wednesday seems to be a good day to update this #wildwednesdays perhaps. Look out for it and why not join in too? Share your stories in our Facebook Group. Links below.
Live Deliberately
Currently listening to: Slayer’s Seasons in the Abyss.