I love the way M looks at the birds. It reminds me of a memory I have of when I was wee, playing in the back garden at home. I saw the birds, seagulls most likely flying above, circling, and I distinctly remember thinking to myself ‘ah, the birds, my only friends.’ Why I thought this, I have no idea. It wasn’t true, but there must have been an appreciation there that was meant from me and hopefully reciprocated by them.
Now she watches them, names them, says what kind they are and asks me questions about them I can’t answer as I know very little about birds in general. It’s been a long time since I considered them my only friends. But today we went to the bookshop and she found a guide book to birds that we have left in the car, as that is when we see the most. It’s very cute and noteworthy that the appreciation of nature is inherent in children, and lost in adults. Keep it up my girl, we need it.