Fata Viam Invenient is written on my bookshelf. The Fates Will Find a Way. I suppose that depends of you believe in fate or not. Will is a way too, can will be wild too, if one wills it, if ‘fates are wild for they will’? And why is the Almighty wild above all? The almighty is wilder than fates because he is mightier than anything?!? Not following Henry, seems a bit bollocks to me but maybe I’m a bit confused today.
Still allows me to reflect on my own spiritual viewpoint; I still think the idea of the benevolent all-creating Christian idea of god is not for me. I’m far more a fan of pantheons, whether it’s Greek, Roman, Norse, or some sort of animism. Paganism is a bit misleading as Christian traditions have replaced most of them. Your pagan ancestors are some 1500 years old. That’s a lot of great grandparents and I don’t feel particularly beholden to any of them save the ones I or my grandparents knew. Even then it would only be some of them. I could worship the moon, or the sun, or the trees or the forest, a wood, a season. I can understand that better than the Abrahamic all seeing sky god. Much better, much more interesting, and much more plausible.