And what are my observations of the historic events of today. A country that has surprised even me with its disinterest in all things monarchical. Even in Blackburn yesterday I saw one house with coronation bunting out. This is a place where union jacks are flown regularly and Rangers bunting appears on lampposts whenever they win something. A country where even its supporters don’t even care too much. No schools I know, granted I’m not in many, have done anything to celebrate and according to TikTok, that bastion of the news, 35 people have camped out to get good views along the Strand. 35. More sleep out for the birth of a new IPhone.
Anti-royal protestors have been arrested before their protests even began and their placards seized. £14 million on a carriage when people can’t afford to heat their homes is a fucking outrage, but this is the nature of monarchy. Moanarchy. Moananarchy. They don’t care, why would they? We just care more now about everybody else and are disgusted that foodbanks in a country like this have to exist. So yeah, it appears to me that I’m not the only person turning off this shit show this weekend. Thanks for the holiday, but no thanks.