Hard frost on the ground today, snow sits on it like icing sugar on a sponge cake. I feel renewed, more energetic than yesterday and certainly more useful than last night which was one of the most useless nights in human history. My headache was so bad I lay on the couch after the girls were asleep and only moved to walk the dog about two hours later. I dozed and watched documentaries on chess, which is probably enough to put anyone to sleep, and retired at the usual time. The walk in the cold night air was invigorating, the painkillers kicked in and I went to bed feeling better than I had all day.
Needless to say, I am a bit hungover today but far better than last night so it’s a win. I might even get a workout in if I have the energy. The hills are encrusted with snow, the ground is hard to walk on, it’s -2˚C currently and set to get not far above that throughout the day. And that’s ok with me. This last frost and winter like conditions are good for renewal and that will make the spring seem all the more worthwhile when it finally comes around. For spring is the time of energy and plans, renewed vigour and renewed life. Things may still be dead at the moment, but soon…