Let government respect be earned. I suppose it was at one point men who served in the military went into politics. Churchill was a soldier but then so was Hitler. Once this current crop of cunts die off imagine the kinds of social media dirt we will be able to get on the next generation. Best start covering your tracks now, as if that was never a thing anyway. Not no government, just a different one.
Earned the right to be there and not just by cash, degrees, family or even votes by their peers. ‘Vote for me, I’m a black belt’. Now we know that person has done something well and consistently for a long time, and hasn’t cheated. ‘Vote for me, I have a massive bench press’. Ditto. ‘Vote for me, I’m a money grabbing son of a stupidly wealthy businessman who wants to maintain family prestige and gain more power and property.’ Not quite as interesting to me, though at least in that case, it would be honest. You don’t get to be a politician unless you can choke someone your own size and weight out, and can squat over bodyweight. That would certainly make Question Time more interesting.