Cold this morning and not too much wood for the fire, only big chunks and a handful of kindling for the day. Makes me glad this isn’t our sole means of fuel for our house. But it’s good, everything is colder right now and we need to toughen up economically and physically. The winter was not given to us for no purpose. It is there for us to endure, as I wonder if this conjunctivitis that I currently have was made for me to endure too.
Woke up this morning unable to see, and it was quite sore until the paracetamol kicked in. This must have been horrible for M when she had it last Halloween. We are meant to endure hardships and deal with any situations that arise; as humans we’ve had to deal with worse things than colds and manky eyes. Imagine having this on the African plains, Eurasian steppe or cold Nordic winter nights. I hope this form of journaling works, well worth an explore. Bring on 2023.