Great journey down to middle England yesterday, the traffic was decent, the timing was ace, the weather fine though a bit sunny and warm for BB at parts and we arrived at our hotel at half four. Perfect timing. Spent the evening in bed reading, nodded off early, sleeping through well with only bursts of disturbance, mostly from BB waking up, M talking in her sleep or being too warm.
It’s funny how places like this don’t allow people to control their own temperature naturally anymore. Buildings here are not built for extremes of temperature so they install air conditioning to counteract it instead of the ability to open a window. Having been in a Premier Inn during the warmest day of the century with no air con I can attest to how horrible it can be. But on the flip side, it is October and were breathing in bullshit recycled air rather than simply opening a window. Is it really that tempting for humans to smoke, or jump out of it, or jump in the second floor? Are we that degraded as a species that hotels have to install fake air to combat our own shittyness? Either way, you wake up bunged up, thick throat and nose and a throbbing head if you’ve got the temperature wrong. I’d rather just have opened the window.