Later on today, approaching dinner time, not breakfast time as usual. I can’t get over the colours this year. Is it always this vibrant? I don’t recall seeing this many shades of bright orange so much any other year, especially here. But this year it’s truly amazing. I wondered if there is some correlation between the rainfall over the year and the colour in the leaves. What’s the word, is it chlorophyll that makes the leaves green, and the lack of it makes them go orangey brown and then die. Maybe there has actually been less storms this year and the leaves have stayed on the trees a bit longer. Either way, the sycamores, the ash, the elders, the oaks look great.
It is winterfylleth, the clocks change tonight but instead of focussing on this I want to just mention my daughters. Now both are great and do really well at their swimming and tae-kwon-do on a Saturday morning, but today BB got student of the month award for the progress she has made recently. And she deserves it. Mr G pointed out how she has returned from injury and done really well. Brought a lump to dad’s throat. That club is great, they both get M and B and I love watching them. To me, they are both inspiring. My children want me to do better.