Oh man is that ever true. How I wish there was more time in this world to read. Even averaging 70-80 books a year as I have done for several years now, a lifetime is still too short to get through all the ones I want to read. It’s funny how cyclical my reading habits are though, and I do need to get back to natural and historical topics, but the jiu-jitsu histories and manuals are enough for me the now. As well as some samurai texts and the ever present Stephen King book.
Literature comes and goes. Proust, Tolstoy and Nabokov will make a return along with Zola, Balzac and Hugo. My reading is exciting. I relish finishing books, and starting new ones, and being absorbed into them throughout the middle. Health has been a focus, Bjj and workouts fairly consistent. This helps my confidence, image and self-esteem, but the reading is always there and the days of an armchair and a lamp seem a long way off. A porch a coffee and a large book is a dream. Life is busy, as it should be, but if I can squeeze in 70-80 books annually into that then surely anyone can.