Go towards the sun and your shadow will fall behind you. A metaphor for progress perhaps. Timely, for what progress have I made a month and a week into 2023, and is the shadow behind or in front. Pages for another journal perhaps, but let’s just say January went well. Then I fell down a mountain and felt sore for a bit. Recovered more or less now and its back to heavy weights which, weirdly always makes me feel better.
This morning there is a wind blowing, I can hear it sitting in here and it was a chill wind when I was out earlier. Dry though, and the cloud cover made it dark, darker than usual for those grey clouds even now are covering the wanting to be blue sky. The clouds are moving swiftly and I can just see a crack of pink and orange off over the hills. To be walking into that of a morning would be fine indeed and perhaps I shall be able to give myself that pleasure one day next week. Next year of course it will all change with M at school so these random mornings will cease to be during holidays. Make the most of it now. There’s a case for school being like that from someone I’m sure. In the meantime let’s follow the sun as much as we can.