Iteration means a repetition of the same process, so can this journal be regarded as that? As we near the end of it I need to know what to do with it. Perhaps, my main thought, is to take some of them, the more lucid and relevant ones anyway, and turn them into short blog posts. Or maybe a book. Does that make sense? Dare I even go down that route of making a journal public and published? It would be fine though as it would never sell anyway and I could do it through Amazon. It would probably take the same amount of time to edit it as it has to write it; a year! But that idea has obviously just come to me and requires further meditation upon how that would even work. In the meantime, what the hell else am I going to journal about?
I couldn’t believe the rain today. I used an umbrella while dropping the girls off at school for probably the first time ever, and I’m glad I did. It was horrendous. The car park and pathway leading to school was accessible only to the wellie wearers. Thankfully finished by break time and largely dried up by home time but its sets you to be wet for the day. Not great.