‘The sea is a wild, rank place that has no flattery in it.’ Flattery? No manners in the sea, no airs and graces, it is relentless, all pursuing, all consuming. Determined and nothing if not consistent. Unlike me. My diet has gone a bit south again, not in terms of eating tons of pasta and bread and rice, but the odd treat here and there, the daily treat… The impulse control I had developed so well a few months ago has not entirely disappeared but it is rapidly disappearing. Like an outward tide, you can tell it’s been in, the ground is wet, left rock pools and seaweed behind in the 10+kg I’ve lost since when? March, May, something like that.
As we know consistency is key and if the handful of chips or biscuit or cake can’t be refused for at least part of the week then the festive season binge-fest will be forced to be more controlled. Having the goal of the jiu-jitsu comp helped with that massively, but it should be ongoing if only for my mind and to prove to myself that I can do it. Colder weather plays a part. I know I drink less water in the winter as it’s so fucking cold and miserable the now halfway through November. 46 tomorrow so best make the most of it.