Falling asleep in summer, waking up in autumn. Leaves on the ground now, the path partly covered but because of the heavy rain they are manky and not very pretty. M dreams of jumping in piles of brown leaves but I told her we need to wait until they’re dry. And she often asks to go to the woods, we just haven’t found the time, or the weather. Tuesday we’re all off, so maybe then.
Autumn is a wonderful time. The afternoons, and late mornings, are actually sunny and tend to be warm. The nights are cold and still and dark by half eight. Which is fine as we know it’ll soon be dark by five o’clock and then earlier. I think I would be in favour of abolishing the daylight saving hours. I think I’ve mentioned that somewhere before. At least then it wouldn’t feel like we’re living in perpetual fucking darkness during the four or five winter months. Perhaps the population would be slightly happier and seasonal disorder would be less of a thing. Going to work in the dark, coming home in the dark can wear folk down and it’s no wonder spring comes as a massive relief and joy.
Though isn’t this right, isn’t this how we should feel. If we wanted sun and warmth continually we’d move to Spain, or California, or Australia. Conversely if you’re Spanish or Italian and moan about the weather here then you can fuck right off back to Madrid or Rome where the weather is undoubtedly braw all year round. I think that’s what I enjoy most about being on holiday besides the learning experiences you gain from being abroad. The change in the elements. The warmth in the air, whether it’s the dryness of Spain or Greece or the humidity of Thailand. The change in the air in Norway is significant, the stillness and not the harsh North Sea wind we get.