This resonates with how industrious our house is these days, how regimented our timings are for getting the girls to nursery, making tea etc. And also how busy the weekends are. The amount of stuff we get done is sometimes incredible. Two weeks ago we had a mattress on the floor. Now we have a brand new bedroom but I can’t let this week go by without mentioning M’s orange belt grading.
After the meltdown she had before at the last one, I knew she would do it this time, but it was how she did it. She asked to go on the mats early and sit with the others she didn’t know. But the best bit was when she sat down, turned around at me and gave me a knowing wink. An ‘I got this dad’ look, full of confidence, and she was amazing. Listening, focused, commended by Mr K for her moves and for paying attention. I was near brought to tears. Pride? Absolutely. I love that these two do Taekwondo, and I hope they continue it. I won’t push them if they don’t want to one day but they both have the ability and the interest to be very good at it. And of course going to Tony Macaroni’s afterwards helped. Notice how I write about this rather than the Heilung show!