What is a winter without snow and ice at this latitude? I tend to agree. It feels abnormal when the snow doesn’t arrive and not like winter at all. There is little left but mud and wet and dead leaves congealed together like old spinach at the bottom of the packet, all wet and useless. But this morning was fine and now, a Tuesday morning, a bit later than usual, it is light. Is the winter gone or will we get more snow and icy winds into February? It’s not unheard of and probably likely. We’ve had snow and ice as late as the end of March.
This morning the ground was soft and muddy in places though the grass is fine and clean in others. The dog isn’t too bad, being a good sign of how muddy it is, and he’s sitting at my feet now after two walks this morning. The rain has not come though the dampness has and it’s not churned up so much of the mud. Bad news from the estate as one of his pals had to put down on Sunday. He’s been struggling for a while and just because it’s the best thing to do, doesn’t make it any less heart breaking. He was a good boy, and a reminder for me of everyone’s mortality.