There is no time to spare. Hence why I wanted to strike while the iron is hot and get a competition in while I wanted to and felt good. But as this immobility lingers on and on, it is looking less and less likely I’ll be able to. Which is horseshit. I’m actually gutted but unless Dr L can pull off a miracle tomorrow I’ll be pulling out of the contest I was so looking forward to. It’s not a matter of a sore shoulder, or leg or something I can work around, this is reducing my mobility to merely up and down, whilst still in pain with almost nothing from side to side or even hinging at the hip. In other words, pretty much everything jiu-jitsu relies on. I have less than two days.
M is downstairs doing her first homework. Her little sister is copying her. They both make me smile more than anything ever has and I actually love it more and more each day. This stage has moved on from the proper infants they were, and they’ve now begun to make me proud in a different way. This is a P.E. day too and the older one is loving it.