Keep to the hours of the universe; the rise and set of the sun, the coming of the clouds, the increase in breeze and wind, the downpour of rain and snow, the clarity of the night sky, the noise of the thunderstorm and the sea. Ally ourselves with these things and we will be closer to nature a thousand fold. Forget the trappings of the working world, who is online and who is not, the noise of the traffic, the build-up of people and vehicles. Let’s run our lives through the variants of the seasons, and the daily unticking clock of nature herself.
Easier said than done in this day of course. Like it or not I still need to be in work by 8:30, not the fully risen sun. The clanging of the school bell might have existed in the 19th century but now many schools do not even have a bell. Cold this morning, a cold wind, everything is soggy after the rain yesterday and the dog’s feet are muddy. Rain on the window now too. Quite shit, though a nice sunrise, which made it look like it was going to be a better day.