Light is in short supply at the moment as we creep up on the shortest day. Dark late in the morning and dark early in the afternoon, but it doesn’t last long. The recent cold snap has been nice. Snow in other places but not much here, just a dusting over the hard ground, but it means the temperature is still low, -4˚C or -5˚C, up to about a massive -1˚C during the day. The snow must just have missed us cause Bathgate and the north part of Livi got it. Even Burntisland had snow worth going out in but you couldn’t have even made a snowball with ours. The sky is thick with it though.
Most of the Christmas shopping is now done which is good, just a few other odd things. And Crumley’s Nature of Winter is on the way so it will be great to crack into that. A room full of too many books and I keep buying more, and I know of others that I should get. Emerson for example, no Ralph Waldo on these shelves, which needs to be remedied.
The light on my desk needed to be shifted, now it is front and centre as it is only this time (late morning) that I have some serious light coming in through the window. The desk is cleared, two pens, a knife, a lamp, some candles, small tape player, no shit, no distractions.