Little bit of heat in the air today, just a little bit which reminded me of summer. When out this morning, just after seven, it even smelled a bit like it. The smell of summer which we have not had for some time now. And as I sit here looking out I see the sun for the first time in a while, although it is quite cloudy, they are clouds of candy floss, puffy and white against the distant blue. The ever present wind is with us still, the trees continually bowing eastwards, but with less force. Perhaps I should say leaves and branches, not the tree itself, which shows how slight it is today.
Those trees over there were thinned, and chopped down when they started building that extra house. I can see the roof of it. It probably gave the houses in front of us a lot more light in their gardens and maybe even to their back door, but it was a shame to see them go, tall pines. Saying that the ones in our garden are getting older and therefore bigger anyway. Today is a chilled day, I might even have the day off from the garage. Sit here and read and write and chill…