T has a new bed. It’s a big green pillow and looks really comfy. The girls used it before he did of course, using it for their gymnastics as a landing pad for forward rolls off the couch. He always takes his time over a new bed. His last bed he ignored for an entire day. Then he curled up on it one night and we put a blanket on him and I don’t think he moved till 6:00am. Last night he was upstairs as K went to bed earlier than usual. I brought his new bed up for him and I heard him rummage around on it a few times and then, again, I don’t think he moved all night. Even after I got up, he had a long lie. It took for the girls to be up and properly running around for him to finally move. He’s enjoying his comforts now he’s into middle age. Is he encroaching old age? There was a time I felt we were symbiotic, exactly the same age. Both slowing down maybe, finding the mountain a bit more of a struggle than before but still running around like a daftie and feeling youthful. Now, although I’m breaking down too, it’s far more pronounced in him and his age has accelerated beyond mine.