I’m feeling the pull of nothingness, the drive of some sort of wilderness. I do not know what it is yet, mountain, hill, glen, forest will do. Remote and as few people as possible, no cars, no technology, that would be nice. I have spent a lot of time in cities recently, more so than usual. Glasgow, Dundee and Stirling in as many weeks and on Sunday I’ll be in Edinburgh. Perhaps that is the reason; perhaps it’s added to a feeling that is already there, that I haven’t acknowledged until now.
The trips to the woods, sometimes three times a week, have certainly helped satiate that need, but it’s true I need more. Mountain walking was always therapeutic for me, always something I felt I ‘needed’ to do, even the very first Munro we did way back whenever that was. Bjj has filled that physical gap but has none of the wildness. Speaking of that young L has a comp on Saturday and though I am obviously stoked for him, I am quite jealous and want to compete myself. Can’t afford the £90 entrance though at this late stage so will let it slide. I didn’t think I’d be physically able, but I actually feel all right. Into the new year for that and hopefully wont pile on too many kg over Yule.