In some ways I am writing less than I have done since I started to pursue this properly. In some ways I am writing more. For instance, the journal for 2022 was in two sections, morning and evening. This was good and actually suited my lifestyle well. This one is larger and a page a day, usually morning. It adds up to more than both 2022 entries. I may not be doing a page in the A4 book every day, as I have done previously, but I am doing every other day. Usually.
The December Charge journal is random though still used. And we have that workout journal, and the daily one. Not to mention the ever present pocket notebook. That’s seven books at any one time. The girl’s book is fairly new, and I am enjoying exploring its themes so far. This is a lifelong one, as it is intended for them throughout my life. A guide, interspersed with memories and snippets of them as children. This is possibly my favourite way of writing, directly to them. At least I know I have an audience. Who else but the handful of people who read my blog really care? Would I care anyway, or like NH said, am I just going to do it regardless? That’s probably about right anyway.