Public speaking would be truly out of my comfort zone. If there was a major hurdle or challenge in my life it would be along those lines. Sure I’ve done it when I had to. Did a presentation to the staff at an in-service a few years ago. That was ok. I knew about 60-70% of the audience well though. Does that count? Likewise when we did presentations as part of our degree it was to our tutor group, so again I knew most people there. It would be something else to do it to a group of strangers. If I was to truly push myself it would be that as it makes me shit bricks more than any jiu-jitsu competition ever will.
The other thing that would make me shite masel would be an MMA fight. Not that I’m going to do that now at 46 but there was that opportunity 15 or so years ago. The thought still makes me pack it. I doubt I’d be allowed now even if I wanted to, and can only imagine the delight some 20 year old would get being matched against a guy that can’t kick over his ow waist height. I’ve neglected the stand up. Time dictates what I can concentrate on and its only there for the bjj. Still dark outside and its getting on, as dark at 7:30am as it is at 3:00am.