Stormy today, apparently it’s to start later on, around tea time, but one look or listen outside will tell you it’s started already. Funny how the weather office has so much control over peoples fear. Before we just had bad weather, winter storms. Now it’s a full blown panic and everything from river defences to underground pipes, to roads, trains and bus services can’t seem to manage.
Sure, cancel your mountain ridge walk. The Aonach Eagach is no place for today. The roofers clearly can’t work and the sky dives aren’t going to happen. But putting the fear of God into people for what is going to amount to a load of wind and rain, things we’ve been dealing with in this country for centuries, is as irresponsible as not mentioning it at all. By giving these storms names are we not giving them more significance than they need? This is not Katrina. And then there is that anthropomorphising of it too, whose going to like a Katrina or a Frank now? Of course that’s flippant but let’s just get over the bad weather and just get on with it shall we. Everyone to work today. Indoors.