Lonely? Nah, not a chance. Have I ever felt it? I genuinely don’t think so. In surrounding myself with jiu-jitsu guys I’m meeting people, increasing my social circle and the males I hang around with. The girls I am friends with are sometimes more interesting than the fellas, there is some truth in this, though maybe interesting is the wrong word. More motivated, inspiring to be around is maybe closer to what I mean.
As a 45 year old it’s hard to make ‘friends’ as such and I do rely on the ones that are 20+ year old ones for the main part. It’s easy to make training partners, just be a good one, and this is maybe what I’m collecting now. But it’s a start and it’ll do for now. The mountain might be lonely but I always know I’m only a short distance or drive away from not being lonely, so it doesn’t count. There is a difference to being on your own, which can be quite nice. Solitude can be searched for, loneliness is forced upon through circumstances, or personalities. But I am pleased I am challenging myself in this area and being around others more. And it helps in doing jiu-jitsu too. Proceed.