I had not realised it but I do have a favourite tree. It stands to the east of my house and I have photographed it many times, many without even realising it. Its leaves are currently all over the grass and path next to it. Its shape is near perfect symmetry, trunk straight and strong. Although it has shed a lot recently, particularly the last two days, it still retains a lot of its clothed dignity. The only thing that spoils it is the view behind it is now of new houses instead of a lonely field, and no doubt very soon there will be a house right next to it. No longer will I be able to photograph this tree with just the rising sun behind it.
My beautiful ash, many morning has your sun salutations brightened my morning and enlightened my evening. You stand so straight and balanced, almost touching the ground with your lower branches, and indeed you do touch the fence. It had to be an ash didn’t it, the most metal of trees. Blackened buds, the remnants of the fire, the leftovers. But yes, you are my favourite and take up more space in my photo album than any other tree.