Imagine if we were employed by such endeavours as watching the seasons. Wouldn’t that be amazing, to make a living from tracing the process of growth through spring and death in winter. Imagine being paid to sit and observe like a stop motion camera, slowly and silently observing, and waiting. Yeah it would be boring wouldn’t it. Especially with our modern attention span. I would probably get ten minutes into day one, watching the cherry tree in the back garden for example before I checked my phone. Then what would I be observing, nothing but all the shite of the day on the internet where nothing is special and nothing is awesome.
Humans are not the same as we were in HDT’s day, and people whose jobs do involve an element of that will most likely have a high powered GoPro or similar. Then they’ll need to record what they saw either by writing it into a laptop or maybe a dreaded spreadsheet. I’d like to meet Crumley, I’d like to follow him about for a day and see what he does and how he does it; how he always seems to get something to write about. Even on driech days like today. We share the same weather. Hope the big man makes it in ok tonight.