An interesting and timely thought for the day. I’m writing this at night; obviously this morning was taken up by far more exciting things than writing in one’s journal. Santa and presents, chocolate and Christmas. I’ve eaten like a pig but then no more so than is usual the last few days. This has to end soon and I know it will.
Pursuing ones dreams through the sheer pursuit of it is admirable. Is it paying off yet? Not really. Will it ever? Who knows? Here we are, nearly completed this book, ten minutes or so a day and a notebook and a half in. has it got me writing more about nature? Has it turned into a weather report? One thing it has done is got me thinking more about nature. The dream was to write, to be a writer and I have managed this in between doing what I actually do to pay the bills. Am I a writer now, was I before? I get paid, albeit pennies, through website subs, does that make me a writer? I’m about to publish a magazine 80% or so was written by me. Is that it? Is it all these things? And if I continually, doggedly pursue this further, or continually and constantly where then will that lead me to this time next year? The imagination is there. The castles in the air are built, these are the foundations.