The rejuvenation of Friday continued into Saturday and even today, Sunday, as very soon we’re going down to the park. Can’t wait, I really love hanging out in the woods or the trees with the girls and they always play very well outside. I think we’ll throw sticks off the Nelson Mandela Bridge today. This inspired me to order a new pair of Meindls, not the Burma pros, you can’t get the anymore but I’m trying the Bhutans, the updated version and we’ll see how they are. I’m quite excited by new boots, and I can’t afford it at all but sometimes you just need to bite the bullet and I didn’t want to be left without a pair of boots all winter, or get a cheaper shitter pair. Maybe once they’re broken in I’ll be then inspired to hit a mountain or two as well. I’m due one for sure.
Yesterday we climbed Rabbit Hill and found a bunch of small conkers. The girls were so stoked by this and the dog had a great time too. Then we threw some stones at that wide bit in the river before the weir. Thorin swam and me and BB ate the berries. Yes autumn is probably my favourite season. Jacket on but not cold. Sunny but not dangerous and the added soundtrack of geese flying overhead almost constantly.