As much as I tan the meat now, meaning that I eat it, a lot of it, I’m still as against me killing animals as I was all those vegetarian years. I don’t think I could really do a hunt. I may have mentioned this before, the once I went shooting and me and GG both took a pot shot at a bird that landed on one of the targets. If it’s that stupid it’s probably not going to last that long anyway but I’m glad we both missed as I felt really bad for even attempting it afterwards. (Takes bite of chicken). Could I do it in a survival sense? Yes, but that’s different. This was attempted murder for our amusement and it felt shit.
We are very detached to the food on our plate. Maybe that’s why I get a kick out of our home grown veg, or the amazing crumbles made from N’s apples with the wild brambles. It really is the best food. Even more detached from the killing of the chicken or the cow for my meals. We don’t even prep them. The last time I prepped a fish was probably a rainbow trout caught by S yonks ago. I skinned a pheasant he shot but that was years ago too. In fact that was my 40th. I’ll be 46 soon, how many meals have I had since then? Windy today, last night was wild, but at least the rains off.