Observations make a chain in our lives. This is true, and once we train ourselves to look for connections, we can read things better and therefore make better decisions for ourselves. If power truly is the ability to make connections, the links between money, people, resources, timing, these must all have been made by individuals looking for connections at some point in their lives. Is that something powerful individuals all have in common, that they can take the observations in their lives from the books they read, they music they listen to, the people they know, or meet, or employ or use, and connect this knowledge into their successful lifestyle.
I wonder if this is how these people are more aware of this and how these links or chains work, or at least how to make them work for them. Power is not an aim for me, especially after reading that book! Never has been one, strength aye, power over my life maybe, if it can mean that. Power over others, absolutely not. But it is interesting to look at connections and perhaps that is what I am missing. I can notice how one thing has a good influence upon my life but maybe not many. I’m very careful about what I consume culturally these days as I see this having a link, if not immediately then definitely down the line in an as yet unknown future.