Overlooking is a very prescient thing and especially nowadays we are so accustomed to living in front of a screen. The world has become smaller but we have become further apart from each other. I include myself in this. If I think of my behaviour in the staffroom now, (sitting looking at my phone 80% of the time rather than interacting with my colleagues), if I did that ten years ago, I wouldn’t have a wife. No banter between me and my future soul mate and our friends at the time. No getting to know you period, no love, no wedding, no bairns. All because I sat looking at my phone instead.
I’m obviously not looking for a partner now, or even a friend, but workplace banter is important and I overlook that on a daily basis. I bet others do too. So I’m going to make more time to speak to my colleagues, even the ones who seem dead inside. Maybe I’ll learn something. How often do we look at a view for example and see the mountain in the distance but not the land that lies before it. I do this all the time. I feel a time of change is at hand, though I’m not sure of what. As we come to the end of this book, but not the project, maybe it’s just the timing. Maybe it starts, maybe it ends, maybe it changes. I’m not sure yet.