We do not want to mimic anyone else’s life. This is for shallow people, mirroring those they deem worthy to copy. ‘We’re not worthy!’ Who decides that? How is a desirable lifestyle of someone else ever a good aim? Surely this just leads to the classic ‘keeping up with the Jones’s’ cliché. What’s the difference? Precious little perhaps. No one’s experience is ever the same, therefore no one’s life should be an attempt at copy of somebody else’s. It is not a form of flattery, it is a form of submission as you accept that your life is inadequate in such a way, that you are so inadequate that you have to mimic the lives of others in order to find satisfaction/salvation/peace/harmony/ whatever it is that you are looking for.
And guess what, you’ll never find it, for the only way is to find you, the true you, the GOD within you, for this is power over self and the only way to become anything other than an unsatisfied copier. Accept no influence. Be the influencer.