These days, I sound like a right old bastard when I use that term, (it’s not like the good old days of 1853), it seems people know more. Or think they know more maybe, bring more to the table. I’ve done this myself, piped up at jiu-jitsu when I should’ve just shut the fuck up, or when outdoors with BD or similar. Let the person doing it, do it, and keep your mouth closed seems to be a good way forward. No one likes the know-it-all anyway. No one likes that one guy who when on a tour keeps asking detailed questions as they already have such an in depth knowledge and all they’re after is to catch the tour guide out and prove them wrong. Constantly looking for holes in others game. I don’t think I do that, but I have known people who do, and have seen it many times. And they always come across like big twats.
Usually someone is bringing something they saw on Tik-Tok or read on the internet rather than anything beyond superficial, but it must be annoying for people doing jobs to have to go through shitheads like that on a daily basis. We’re constantly being told what to do, or how things are etc. by kids and were creating a country full of idiots who think they can do whatever they want. This is a bigger issue than when I started this page so I might change book and explore this further.