We are too used to having our own way. We are too used to getting everything and anything we want, whenever we want it, and to go back to living seasonally would not be a bad thing. To go back to living locally would not be a bad thing either. No bananas this morning but you can have figs in your pudding, or porridge. Yum. Chestnuts and bramble jellies, apple crumble and pies. For that kind of limitation is weirdly a kind of freedom.
When I was vegetarian, one of the most practical reasons was I was able to skip entire aisles of the supermarket. Whole sections not even needed to be walked down, so it saved time. It narrowed my choice. Looking at a menu there would primarily be two things to choose from. Great. This suited me, less choice, less fannying about. Buying a sandwich? Ploughmans or egg, cause no one wants a cheese sandwich. That’s like eating plain crisps, pointless.
The loss of awe and wonder that we have as a result of the internet and globally connected world nonsense no one wants, which is just hidden money grabbing, has spoiled us and created a species who do nothing but want and want now, and will never be satisfied. Maybe prison time cures this.