Had a great day outdoors yesterday. Smashing ice with stones and building a fire in the deep woods. We made it as dry as we could and succeeded. It was great fun. Even whittling sticks and a bit of exploring. Had part of the afternoon too at Beecraigs, two days in a row I’ve had a campfire now and all going well we should have one on Friday. Starting to remember why I enjoy this outdoor stuff again and trampling through the trees on frozen leaves is great fun.
Very cold this morning though, a proper black metal morning, the freezing moon, the funeral mist, icy cold black hearts. Blashyrkh out there. Seems fitting for tonight as I’m off to see Bergen’s cultyist Gorgoroth. Dubbed by me, the scariest band I’ve ever seen. No Gaahl these days but we shall see if this line up matches the old one and the black metal aesthetic of the morning. Scraping the car took ages.