We are all critics. We cannot help ourselves. I do it, you do it; we are all very judgemental of others, what they do, what they wear. We offer our ‘what they should do’ advice so freely that we forget to look at ‘what we should do’ for ourselves. What we should do is shut the fuck up about other people and concentrate on blocking that critical voice we all have. Being human is a difficult task. The bookshelves help with that, forcing us to take a long and cold and hard look inwards at ourselves and our place in the world. ‘I am my own harshest critic’. What shite.
Windy as all hell last night so it’s a good things were not out in the woods today. Tomorrow we should be so I hope it doesn’t continue. Rain is miserable at times, but safe and we can put up with that. Wind is dangerous as we saw that tree falling down that day which was an eye-opener. Dramatic and cool. Nothing but Christmas stuff today, and games. Mince pies and good cheer. Panto done yesterday, phew! I’m itching to get to Dalavich this year, fire, whisky and my new Edgar Allan Poe collection, it’s gonna be great.