We do not value anything that does not have a monetary value. We do not value the collecting of nuts as HDT says for the value is in the act, and then the eating, not the gain we are going to get from it. Arguably these days, the intrinsic value we get out of experiences is not monetary but related to social media. ‘I do this, I’ll get likes’ kind of thinking, which I suppose then has a monetary link to those who rely on such things for their income. I’m glad I don’t. Value the act.
A similar thing can be seen in our treatment of our art, especially our public buildings. Once we took great pride in our civic achievements, made monuments and building that stood the test of time. Now it is concrete and glass, or plastic shells that looks like shit when new and even shitter after a decade or two of Scottish weather. Our town centres all have the same partnership buildings, the same schools. There was a time when all these things were different and we looked upon them with pride. Now residents try to burn down their own schools and libraries. Where are our grand cathedrals, mighty trades halls or decorative buildings? Make the world look like shit, we’ll all feel like shit. Value the art.